Waspada Website Palsu yang Hampir Mirip dengan Website Asli


Beware of fake websites that are almost similar to the original website

Currently there are many fraud in the name of Indah Logistics. One of them makes fake websites with similar character arrangements and is difficult to distinguish from the official website. If we are not careful, we can click on a website that is almost similar to the official website.

In order to avoid the perpetrators of crime in the name of Indah Logistics, #sobATindah needs to recognize the official website of beautiful logistics, namely www.indahonline.com All information about packages and shipping can be accessed through the official website of Indah Logistik. 

Let's Send Items Smart at Indah Logistik :)

Currently there are many fraud in the name of Indah Logistics. One of them makes fake websites with similar character arrangements and is difficult to distinguish from the official website. If we are not careful, we can click on a website that is almost similar to the official website.

In order to avoid the perpetrators of crime in the name of Indah Logistics, #sobATindah needs to recognize the official website of beautiful logistics, namely www.indahonline.com All information about packages and shipping can be accessed through the official website of Indah Logistik. 

Let's Send Items Smart at Indah Logistik :)